Prop 8 just pisses me off
Just discovered @Grooveshark, pretty damn rad if I say so myself.
@Yahoo has to many profile services.
http://ping.fm/7GGpk I be rocken them beats!
I got the breath of the last cigarette on my teeth.

Not that bad

So my birthday wasn't that bad.

I got up at 10PM the night before so on midnight we went to Mcd's, stayed up went to my brothers graduation. Hung out with his friends and then we went back home for like an hours. My brother wanted to go to the movies so we did and saw Dance flick, funny but not THAT funny. We should've saw Terminator. Went back home and saw my cake is said Ap it was so cool, and I got Sangria but we didn't have any cups so I had to drive to Walgreens to buy some. Ate Menudo and then had a power nap, woke up - ate - another power nap - woke up - blew the candles on my cake - went back to sleep - talked to Louis - nelly - Chila, & my best cousin.

Long day but okay.
Just got Eminem's new album Relapse, the song Insane is flipping. . .insane. Favorite song so far.
For my Birthday I want an Aptera. http://aptera.com
Downloaded some new firewall @ZoneAlarm annoying at first but I guess it needs to be.
I’m so depressed when it comes to my birthdays ‘cause I know I’ll never get what I want. I expect to much when it comes to getting what I want, you can’t help the whole world and that sucks. So I just battle threw not expecting nothing, last birthday (my 18th) was an Epic fail! All I got was socks and a shirt that didn’t fit me…oh yeah and colorful plastic coins.:D

My Brithday

I'm so depressed when it comes to my birthdays 'cause I know I'll never get what I want. I expect to much when it comes to getting what I want, you can't help the whole world and that sucks. So I just battle threw not expecting nothing, last birthday (my 18th) was an Epic fail! All I got was socks and a shirt that didn't fit me. . .oh yeah and colorful plastic coins.:D <--That's all I did, smiling helps a lot; keeps people from asking what's wrong. Well hopefully one day I might have a good birthday and maybe I need to learn to more grateful I know once you get older your birthday don't matter as much but oh well. I'm still a teen and I'll be selfish like one as well.

hehe I just blew my nose and I got dizzy.
So it's my b-day ersuhgblauerg and so far I got some Mcd's at midnight. Bri I'm sending your present soon!!! I swear!
Thinking about getting a new Myspace profile theme. What do you guys think?
RT @markhoppusactually, Everyone who's against prop 8, let's get #rejectprop8 to the top. [I agree]
Trying out monkeyjar.com seems a little odd but hey @chrispirillo uses it.
You're so beautiful.