New Layout

So I just 'opened' my website, I was like I need a break from FTC and just started to work on my personal stuff, because no matter how big or small FindTheCrew gets in the end I want to promote myself as well. The line is a little shady right now but I think the line will always be like that. So in all I decided to hold off on FTC and just work on my self for a few months. I'm just going to add a lot of my content on my site, which opens ALL my projects. My writing, poetry, Essays, Drawings, Pictures, Editings, My desgining, My show, My everything! I'm also pitting a Calender/Schedule so people will know when I update what. So I think this should be first and then FTC, when FTC gets big, and I plan to let it get big, then that will be first.


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